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UPCOMING! 1st “One Health” WMP Congress, December 11-13, 2024

The first “One Health” World Microbiome Partnership Congress will be held at the French Academy of Medicine in Paris, France, December 11-13, 2024. The three-day agenda will include keynote talks, and identification of key topics to be addressed by the Working Groups and election of the first WMP President, Executive Committee and Co-Chairs of the Working Groups. This Congress will establish the foundation for the actions carried out by the WMP over the short and long terms. 

“One Health” WMP Congress registration, agenda and speakers (Congress website link here) 

Please complete this form (link here) for Congress registration and submit it to by October 1, 2024. 

The Congress will be available in hybrid format and the Congress proceedings will be posted on the WMP website. 

Registration fees for in-person participation is XXX Euros. 

Registration fees for online participation is XXX Euros.

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